The offering is Lead. Does that mean use lead from a pencil? Such as a mechanical one? I know someone might read this and be like that’s a dumb question, but there are no dumb questions to doing something right, the first time! Help!
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These pellets can be used for your Saturn lead offering:
I bought 99.9% pure lead fishing weights to use. They're shaped like little pyramids and were very inexpensive (search eBay).
And I’ve always seen fast movements from 4th POSaturn My advice is to not use a general petition because this is a powerful seal Be specific
Yes lead from a mechanical pencil I bought a pack of them (lead refills) from target
I don’t see the magnifying glass!!!
You can also search this forum by clicking on the magnifying glass for 4 POS results from others.
It's better to ask for clarity regardless of what anybody here may think. I've used 4POS but my target I don't communicate with so really hard to tell. For some it happens quickly and for others results may come in 3 months or maybe not at all if their target(s) are spiritually protected.
Yeah it’s pencil lead. Most people use mechanical pencil lead, but I couldn’t find any so I just used a pencil.