Not my man; am not even looking but look what my little DA recent burn caused from someone I really do not know.. nor did I go looking for. am not even looking. Am just trying to stay busy with fam and work and get my man back patiently..
He keep trying to ask to be my bf and keeps trying to call me sweet nicknames etc as if in a relationship with someone for long time.
umm this person if I recall correctly entered life from a Stranger to a friend (platonic) I think when I had first or second worn the DA oil before I even lit it. now after maybe 2 weeks of full nice strong burn of DA he is suddenly keep on asking if he can see me etc. he tryina be all implying about IT and probably just a player. Am being careful
because am not trying to create risky soul ties or have entities passed onto me from someone..
Edit the pix is not uploading properly but he was flirting as if he has got the hots for me..

so the meme above the one for some reason not showing was of a man sweating and fanning himself. And above that meme it says fireballs of heat.
And the line under you are a good woman said: hard to come by
Things this new person (not a date or anything carnal) been saying to me which has to be due to DA because we did not know each other before:
i love you
i missed you
thank you for being in my life.
Can I call you, baby? please come back. call me when you get home.
lol sounds like things someone says to someone they been with for a long time. I even said, that‘s impossible because we don’t even know each other lol. He still says things. the guy’s energy is as if he cannot help it but to say all these things.
(one of my chants for DA was all quality straight men are attracted to me, desire me, and say and do sweet things for me.)
and yes this guy bought be a shake when he was buying it for himself and his kid despite currently being unemployed and basically homeless since he stays at a hotel. I even asked, do you want me to pay for mine, and he made an annoying face. So yeah I let him pay for me👸🏻
was taking a mini walk with them both and I kept seeing signs and reminders of my babe that am still patiently trusting spirits are gonna bring back to me.