Wow I'm shocked..So usually my kids get driven to school by their father but today I had to walk one of my kids to school this morning..I honestly don't look forward walking her to school all the time whether it be in the morning or afternoon..Side walk is narrow, you have sidewalk traffic with elementary,high school kids, & teachers,car traffic sucks when your trying to cross,dealing with unkept homes with overgrown bushes, & one of the dogs being basically you can't be close to any fences on the narrow sidewalk as u pass..So out of 4 dogs on the block there's this aggressive German shepherd that basically barks at everyone that passes by..I hate the fact that the owner has him out when kids are either walking to or from school on random days like inconsistent so you basically get startled not expecting the dog to be there..I'm not afraid of dogs but to be surprised at random moments with the dog barking, jumping & running along the fence is annoying,nerve racking, and it has my daughter somewhat traumatized...So today weirdly on of course a random day the dog was out while the kids make their way to school he basically stood still & quiet as me and my daughter passed,lol she even said he looked constipated I was so shocked..As other people passed he just resumed his barking ..I want to thank you spirits for protecting me and my daughter and our peace during our morning walk to school 🙏🙌...I also want to Thank Lala for creating these bracelets as well ❤️
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Awesome testimony 🙌