halo/4th pentacle of moon
this candle has worked very well in cleaning my relationship and protecting it. it was the first candle this Time around.
a year ago I did DA, sweetening and other own spell Work and nothing was working.
second candle, after halo/4pom.
sweetening, it worked almost immediately with my target.
i lighted the candle after breaking up with him and once I was reassured that he was calmed. i waited 3 days…
Then I lit Obsession. didn’t work as I expected. so, I did my own red candle with high John oil and root. Worked the very next day… we fixed things and we got back together And haven’t broken up since then. A lot of the things I chant/petitioned for, have come through. My target and I, don’t live together for personal reasons, so he spent a week in my house and we had a great time! (We also have a child together)
after, I lit the candle TRUTH. I wanted to know his truth intentions about me, and I also chanted that spirits show him who his mother truly is in regards of our relationship and all the bad things she has done to us. And how she manipulates and lies To him. 2 days later, his ex goes over his house while he is in mine. And had dinner with his family, etc. I found out, I told him that I didn’t want that woman around my child things or his things. (Baby stays with his grandma (targets mom) for the weekend while I work and he works) his ex and his mother have done a lot of baneful work To our relationship and to each of us.
anyway, he calls his mom and she says to him that she passed by to drop something but didn’t go in the house. I showed him proof. And we caught her lying. He didn’t make a whole deal about it to me, but he did acknowledge his mom lying. Which it has been a huge thing since he thinks of his mom as this good Hearted woman who never Does wrong.
(the woman is satan himself) lol
I’m hoping this candle, reveals more things to him, and for him to see that I never lied about his mother.
i have lit power, willpower and blood lamour. Waiting results for those! 🥹
Not yet but I will use everything from Lala in regards to mines Lol. And eventually a seriously eternal binding ritual at that I play for keeps especially in my relationship . Sign Seal and for my eyes ONLY TYPE OF WORK LOL
ALWAYS play to keep when its someone you truly love .