Honestly, I know I wouldn’t have made it through if it wasn’t for my rite with and Choir of Cherubim. I never really understood the history of these angels. I just know that when Lala offer a candle that would help with Mental Health I would need it in due time. Last quarter of 2023 was hell for me. My marriage was on the rocks. And since we had a family business, I feared my career was too… We had a crazy power struggle that wasn’t getting any better whether I fight for what was right or give in to my husband’s comfortability. He wasn’t cheating. But, outside influences were persuading him to push me out the business and make risky moves that cost us the business and our peace of mind. His insecurities took over and we separated with high risk of divorce.
I got the Choir Candles - Cherubim and Principalities. I also got 11 Master and 11 Wealth. Do to the stress and lack of energy & understanding, I procrastinate until the worst happened. I was home alone, broke, and no transportation in a rural area. Prior to this I was working remotely running a successful family business, with a new car, and husband that wasn’t romantic but loyal and dependable. I was so shook! All I could think of was lit those candles!!!!
After the Cherubim rite. I had this overwhelming sense of peace and focus. I can’t remember the sequence of candle I lit. But I immediately was driven emotionally and mentally to start my own business. And the start up was amazing. I educated myself on all the things I need to learn to assist others as I did in my family business.
People were amazing on my peace of mind through the storm I was experiencing. Many said they would have a mental breakdown if they went through what I did. And I kept hearing internally “Stay focused and don’t worry about the finances. All is covered. I’m taking care of. I’m loved.”
And I believed it. I told myself I don’t know how I was soo very calm. I normally would freak out at minor discomforts and thought of the finances not adding up. But, the money was coming and the bills were paid. And I was able to work from home.
Overtime, my husband and I reconciled. And the business was thriving again. Both our businesses. But, only when we worked together. And when we sincerely and consistently work on our marriage.
Over time, I stopped conjuring and started giving in to my husband way of running both businesses to avoid conflict. Needless to say both businesses had to shut down. But, we picked up jobs that pay us more than what we took home from in our businesses. But, my husband’s health is not good. And the stress on the job so unbearable I find myself chanting scripture of protection and return to send serval times daily. I noticed that on the days I’m weak - conjuring spirits (like ancestors, angles and planetary energies) work more effectively than rootwork.
All these oils and candles work. And these work fast. Just don’t wait still it too late.
Don’t procrastinate!!! I know it hurts and it hard to analysis your situation while you are going through it. But, step back and concentrate. And take action. Things will get better when you do the work. Have faith in yourself.
Conjure the reality you deserve. And have tremendous sense of gratitude.
Thank you to every helpful Root, every helpful Spirit, and the Conjure Family. I’m forever grateful.
Y’all have changed my perception and my life.
It’s sounds amazing, I’m just about to do mine. Did you do a Pacific chant? I’m going through a bad breakup with financial control on a business we built together. I’m scared of starting all over again
Thank you! I needed to read this! It’s been a heck of a year for me too but very blessed at the same time. I feel spirits comfort. Going to cleans my home and me and light my candles! Thank you 🙏🏾 🥰
So exicted to recieve the choir collection!
I love this so much!
Thanks yall!!! 🫶❤️🥰
This is beautiful and inspiring, and I believe these are the reviews that LaLa be wanting for feedback so She can know what y’all be wanting so she can cater to your needs and feedback for others to get a feel about the product and ways to utilize them. Because some of these reviews about some products actually convince some of us to buy them because we be clueless. Thank you 🙏
The choir of cherubim collection is absolutely amazing I’ve only used one so far for mental srength in regards to exams (math in particular) and whew did the candle outdo all I asked for. I become so sooo focused not letting up on anything I didn’t understand. That candle had almost hypnotized when it came to putting things together to fully understand orders and ect… absolutely amazing
Congratulations sister!!!! 💕💕💕💕