THIS OIL AND ERIS DOES NOT PLAY! Tell me why I was out w my Friends last night. We went to restaurant. when we were leaving I gave all of them the lust/ahari /cr eris but I didn’t rly go much into Detail on what it was. We took A walk after eating and this car full of guys were STARING AT US. the one guy in passenger seat rolls the window down and stares at us! And smiled after. He was so cute lol. AND THEN TODAY MY FRIEND MSGED ME and said a guy she used to talk too (than she blocked bc she was scared of catching feeling)HE MESSAGED HER. asking if she was okay. she would respond and he would read the msg right away n reply. He’s applying pressure. !! She was so shocked he did that but there I was like that lust eris dont play huh.
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Real friend!!!! I just ordered wealth for my friends but ion know how I would give it to them so ima do as you and order that you have and the Bella and lighten their lives up !!!