Hey everyone. I just had the weirdest dream. In the first part I was working with kev on stage to do a prom dress drive. (That part is cool) then I was at my friends house. Me and my cousin found out that she didn‘t actually own her home anymore and it was sold by the bank. She was pretending everything was fine but it wasn’t. Then I walked outside and it was a bunch of dead oversized black birds in the front yard like 10. And it was only one left alive and it looked at me and I screamed for my twin brother. Then I woke up! Does anyone have insight about what it could mean? Especially the dead bird parts. I know birds are associated with sword and air energy so maybe the end of a cycle. Idk but it really creeped me out. Thanks in advance!
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Edited: Sep 28, 2021
Dreaming with Dream Eriss
Dreaming with Dream Eriss
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@Trina check out this post! Apparently dead crows represent transformation! As far as the one that was still alive, maybe there's something keeping you back from a complete transformation or major life changing event? 🤔
I got this and am excited soon to use!
I hope you googled since you posted… I’m real big on dream interpretation and have learned that every little thing in a dream is/can be interpreted. So research every detail. The birds more than likely mean the ending of something. Multiple birds could mean your aspirations and dreams are not happening for you. Do you want to work with Kev on stage and do drives? Maybe that’s what’s not happening for you? It could also be that your cousin needs your help but is too shamed to ask. Any time I have a dream I try to write down as much as I can right when I wake up so I can google later all the details. If there’s water, if it was day or night, people I know or didn’t know, places, parts of the house. The house itself can mean something and depending on if it’s old or new, if it’s your house in the dream but not real life, what part of the house you’re in means something. If it’s dirty or clean, broken furniture, new furniture, etc. the colors you see. The sounds you hear. Try to write it aaaallllll down so you can piece the message together. Even you being scared. Calling for your brother. All of it.