I have a seasonal business and it is currently not the season. After burning good fortune I received my first wholesale order! I burned it a second time and smaller orders have trickled in. Again, this is not the season for my business so I have been pleasantly surprised, especially since I haven't been advertising my products. I was able to get my hands on the recent money pot which I plan to use two months before my season officially starts.
It's important to mention I burned halo, crossroads and then good fortune. It's true what they say in this forum, you have to remove blockages first and manifest what you want and have clear intentions when you are chanting.
I have also purchased the conjure academy classes. A lot of of the questions on here are answered in the classes. It's WORTH the money. Lala gives you a lot of information. I will be rewatching the classes today so I can get more aggressive with my results when it comes to love. I have been too distracted when burning candles for love and I know that's why it's been causing delays.
As a small business owner, I know the value in people leaving reviews. I plan to give my testimonials on my results each time I burn for a specific intent. Good luck to everyone and may 2021 be our year!