I’m a newbie but have great respect and interest in this craft. The first candle I burned was crossroads, then sweetening.
I have had great results with both. Just recently, I’ve decided not to do anymore candle work until my H-UH-H arrives so that I can cleanse before I do anymore work. I do still use my Eriss daily.
Is this wise?
Does UH just remove negative work or does it remove ALL work?
I believe I read if you say don’t remove my work it won’t. However, what I have learned is that you should use Halo/ and crossroads often it’s recommended before burning any candle. I don’t know what the initials stand for. I’m waiting on my order as well. I used Legba, and my ancestor altar, I’ve been good to go. I also take daily cleansing baths.
Unhex will remove everything, but UHH will not🥰❤️❤️❤️
Ok. Great. Thanks
You can chant for it to only remove negative spirits, hexes etc.