So, I finished burning my healing candle on Tuesday and it was quite interesting. About an hour before it burned out, I noticed that I became very emotional. At one point, I was literally crying! And I don't mean like a few teardrops falling from your eyes that you can catch with a tissue; I was sobbing! LOUDLY! It was as if my soul was being purged! Afterwards, I felt lighter, with an immense presence of calmness! I have been in that same state of peacefulness ever since. I'm more aware of EVERYTHING around me! Almost as if I'm just floating around - like I've been set free!💛 I have included a pic below the video that I managed to capture before the flames were finished. If anyone can read and/or give input on what they see, it would be greatly appreciated!😊
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Oh wow. That flame looks like it’s saying give it ALL to me, let it go, I got you and I got this. Burn all of it; this is what I do.