I’m wondering what is the best way to honor the spirits in the alchemy bracelets?
I’ve been wrapping mine in a silk wrap when I’m not wearing them, and putting a jade stone on top and leaving them on my altar. thank them each time I take them off. I also wear them on my non dominant arm and try to always remember to take them off when I use the bathroom.
I had a run of some pretty unlucky days and I’m wondering if perhaps I wasn’t honoring them correctly and they are letting me know they’re upset.
Last night for the 11/11 portal, I burned my Omni potent candle, meditated, and laid them open on the silk scarf in front of the candle. The lights started flickering by 3’s for a while. I ended up having a much better day then I have in a while.
Any advice would be helpful. Thank you so much!
This is a good question bcz I had the protection bracelet which protects you from negative energy both spiritual and physical but I unfortunately got into a fight where I was forced to defend myself against a family member and I realized afterwards that the bracelet was gone. I was so hurt and upset but I always tell myself everything happens for a reason. So either spirit was upset with me and wanted to be released from me or maybe it was meant for someone else to find it for their journey. Either way I was sad but I remember I have recently ordered the halo bracelet which says it protects from negative parasitic energy. Maybe there wasn’t a need to have both. Idk but I’m remaining positive & optimistic
Feed them incense smoke for at least 30 minutes and put a glass of water on the side.
Do you have the healing bracelet? Just asking because I noticed that early on when I was doing alot of healing work, as I was realeasing things that no longer served me I would experience some unpleasant situations.
I think what you’re doing is correct, I honestly don’t do any of that. I’m positive the spirits won’t make you have unlucky days and won’t get upset with you either.