I started working with Lalas Candles back in March 2020, now prior to 2018 i knew very little about energy, stones, candles ect. I started a spiritual journey over the last couple years even more this year. There has been a shift and i have prayed a lot more and just have gotten more aligned with myself. I decided to start working with Lalas candles due to a situation at work that really shifted my energy and was making me feel a lot of anxiety and some depression. Years ago prior to going to therapy I used to feel this all the time. I thought to myself I cannot get to that dark place.
Since working with Lalas candles the situation at work Ive been able to find the silver lining and I am soooo sooo sooo in-tuned with my instincts, noticing shifts in energy and listening to spirit when I see and sense things. Ive had 3 readings over the last 6 months to confirm things that I am feeling and if I am on the right path. I see the numbers 111 or 1111 daily, not intentionally looking for it, it literally just happens to pop up in some way. And that is just another confirmation that I am on the right path. Finances have gotten better, things do not bother me as much and i have really channeling my energy and have bought some stones to add to my candles.
I have even ordered my 2nd batch and have discussed with my wife Lalas candles, she didnt know I was doing work because I wanted to make sure that I was sure and that the candles work. She said to me "Ive been noticing things are different about you, there has been a shift in the last 5-6 months"
I believe in Lalas candles and the power they have.
P.S. - Let me come into some good $$$ I will be buying a but load of candles to store up and have for a rainy day !
This is awesome
Beautiful testimony!