So where do I start let’s take it all the way back … I stock up on candles because you just never know when life gonna be lifing. So June 6th I lost my job … like I’ve never been fired from a job but it’s all good my boss’s daughter was caught stealing big money and the owner contacted me and I guess my boss was upset cause I didn’t lie but oh well … month later she fired me after they fired her daughter for something so petty after I just passed the biggest inspection…I started to pullout my hex candle but God soften my heart and said vengeance is mine I will repay… …cool plus God do everything for a reason it was time for me to elevate and I wouldn’t move unless he forced me, I had done got comfortable with the pay but always wanted jobs with benefits….okay so here is where it starts after being fired I chilled a few weeks and worked on cleansing and cleaning up my energy because like I said I wanted to hex my boss but I didn’t I just took my L…and kept it moving. I lit up Omni spirit for a cleanse because those spirits attached know what you need. A couple days later the owners called me asking did I want my job back but I was like nah it’s time I elevate but I appreciate yall ever for everything…he said I know wherever you go you’ll be great, you are a hard worker and you can always use me for a reference…..🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 part 2.
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I have my list below but not sure if I understand whether I'm looking got candles or oils. Please tell me whether to order oils or candles below:
Omni Spirit
Omni Wealth
(I have the other ones)
Thank you! I am so looking forward to this journey!!
We don't hear from you enough! I love how you explain the problem, how you feel, and how you decide to handle the situation. I am writing down all I need now!!