I usually use this space to ask questions but today, I just wanna give praise to my ancestors and the spirits that guide me. I lit my Halo for the first time about a week ago. There was a lot if black smoke in the beginning but after some reassurance from you ladies, I let it burn a little and the smoke cleared. The flame was high and danced and was beautiful and I was really emotional and felt like I needed to cry or scream for maybe an hour or less. After my Halo burned over 24 hours, I was so hungry and tired and though I'm 9months pregnant, this was like first trimester fatigue and hunger so I slept and drank lots of water. I snuffed my Halo out Sunday night and Monday morning, I was so at peace. I usually suffer from depression so feeling fine was a great thing for me. Thursday, I decided to burn my GF. Even though it's not a conjured candle, I wanted the help of the spirits of Jupiter. So I lit it and it burned for 26 hours and I snuffed it out. This morning, I checked on my tax return that I've been waiting on since the end of January and FINALLY got a date for my deposit. I'm so excited to be on this journey with my ancestors. I'm so relieved to have some guidance in my life because I am a HUGE control freak. It's such a relief for me to be able to turn to someone and trust that they know what's right for me and for my family. I just know when those taxes finally hit, I will be getting a soul cleanse from Chaela for both me and my husband and placing a HUGE order for Lala. 💕
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This is beautiful 💜💜💜