LaLa.. you are not auntie.. more like BAE!
So I wore my Symphony of Genius yesterday during my job interview and I’ve never felt so… GENIUS! I made eye contact, I was confident, enthusiastic, witty! I promise you I’ve never heard “as you’ve already stated so many times”during an interview.
The smell is intoxicating. I’ve never cared for Baccarat, but this is similar however, LaLa put that extra in there to make the smell appealing.
I’m wearing Muse of Luxury today and it reminds me of my favorite scent by Gucci that they stopped making MANY YEARS ago. I’ve got the new, improved version now though.
I never doubted LaLa’s scents because the soufflé’s are beyond amazing. When I wore one around my best friend years ago, she smelled me and said “this is how I imagine Michelle Obama smells” 😂
I love you so much LaLa.
Thank you for creating and sharing your gifts. 🐐
I just need to get Queen of Hearts now!
These parfums are definitely 🔥 I just received Golden Destiny. Each one is different but will work together✨️