How do I remove evil spirits from my home? And keep them gone? They are really messing with me and my family. Attaching themselves and just fucking with my home.
@Ladyscorpio🦋🧿 Sage is a great tool but I don't think it can always get EVERYTHING. What are you doing when you burn the sage? Chanting? Windows and doors open?
It was suggested to me years ago to cleanse the home from top to bottom with lemon ammonia and flordia water and then another poster (I don't remember her font name) suggested it to me on this forum when I moved. Ammonia, Flordia water and lemons.
The last time I had an issue where I felt the place was very negative, I had my place cleaned by someone who specializes in spiritual cleanses.
Once you get to the bottom of it and your home is cleansed, try protecting your home with Lala's protection spell. That seems to stop people with bad energy from even entering.
You Can start by having a reading done...that will give you a view where it came from so you can avoid having them come back...Sage your home, also you can use palo santo and use Florida water( put spray bottle and spray each of your family members Morning and night b4 bed) Lala's unhex candle can also help...!!!Be careful who you invite into your home also!!!!
Who do you have coming in and out of your home? Who are they around? You need to sage the people that live in your home as well as your home and be careful of who you let in your home. Halo would definitely help!
You can burn sage in the inside as well as the outside of your home. When I do I chant and say all negative energy must go and I welcome positive energy in my space.
Sage and palo Santo...But I would advise to try and find out how they got there to avoid re-infesting your home with the evil spirits...!!! To get rid of only to invite them back in would be bad...! Find out how they got there 1st, then remove them Asap
Thank you. Even when I burn sage it seems to still be in my home I’m not understanding
Banishing chant:
You Can start by having a reading done...that will give you a view where it came from so you can avoid having them come back... Sage your home, also you can use palo santo and use Florida water( put spray bottle and spray each of your family members Morning and night b4 bed) Lala's unhex candle can also help...!!! Be careful who you invite into your home also!!!!
Who do you have coming in and out of your home? Who are they around? You need to sage the people that live in your home as well as your home and be careful of who you let in your home. Halo would definitely help!
How to find out that?
Sage and palo Santo... But I would advise to try and find out how they got there to avoid re-infesting your home with the evil spirits...!!! To get rid of only to invite them back in would be bad...! Find out how they got there 1st, then remove them Asap
unhex and halo.....chant to remove all the negativity and evil spirits away from you ,your home and surroundings