So I lite this candle yesterday morning, after writing my petition that I was reading out loud for about 10mins, the candle I left to burn for over 10 hours. I felt heat coming from my shoulders, then later the day I had a head head followed by a strong headache.
Starting off this morning till evening I have had like the cold or allergy fit the full day and it just stopped. A light in my house corridor kept on flickering.
During today suddenly out of the blue husband says ok next month during school break we will travel for a week and he actually paid for the ticket and hotel! He's never been so spontaneous...
I hope and pray that all I said and chanted along with my petition will now make all the positive turns in my life since I have suffered for many months if not years. I have felt that smthg was off in the sense where I felt someone had done shit on my ...and I am gonna wait till Sunday and I will light the Karma candle.
Any tips or comments, are welcome..
I wanted to share my experience so far..
Same thing happened to me I light the candle and I had bad headache and chill and I felt my chest heavy and my legs heavy too I stay almost 40 mins than I felt ok but my husband was yelling at me bc something stupid. I understand someone send us evil eye or black magic in my relationship. I light my candle tonight too . We will see by tomorrow