This serves as a testimony for the 1st pentacle of Saturn. If you haven't already, check out my original post (story time) so you can get the full back story. I did exactly what I said I would do (1st Pentacle of saturn) along with an actual spelled & dressed chime candle of my own which I also chanted over. I offered the spirits of Saturn, lead shavings around the candle, pencils, 3 coffee beans, Alum, obsidian, smokey quartz and tourmalated quartz. I also offered a cup of black coffee, no sugar or cream. I performed the conjure as directed in the booklet, using the targets picture underneath the candle. My intent was to allow it burn the necessary 6 hrs but it actually burned for about 10 hrs before I snuffed it out. That was 9/18/21, yesterday 9/21/21 my friend called me and told me he packed all of his things and left. He tried to be petty and even took the bar soaps and body wash out of her bathroom as well as meats out her freezer, some of her dishes and half a case of water bottles lol. So yes conjure cousins, it worked!!!! and within only 4 damn days!!! My friend said her house feels so much more peaceful now that his belongings are actually out of her hse (remember i said he only came there to eat, shower, sh*t and shave then he would leave until the next day). I spoke to her this morning (she woke me up out my sleep around 8 am) singing "gooodmorning friiieeeennnd!", safe to say, SHE'S even in a better mood. Now if she takes him back, thats on her. I did my part, Spirit answered my call and I'm so grateful! I will also do a "Cloak" burn for her and her children! Now back to the scheduled programming!
Yes omg ! Mars for protection for her too !
Ok now you are such a good friend
Such a pretty set up!
Yesss!!! That’s what friends are for !