My mom was digniosed with breast cancer 2 weeks ago. It was hard to hear but I also don’t have the best relationship with my mom but I am there for her. A few days before my mom met with her breast surgeon. I sprayed simi on my hands and takes her and asked for my mom breast cancer to not be invasive and help save her. Honestly I even forgot to say my mom name I just said my mom because I was a mess. We met with the Dr yesterday. My mom has dcis which is a non invasive breast cancer and although it is still cancer the Dr informed her that it is still CANCER her grade is 3 which mean it grows faster than other cancers. But with the type she has with a full mastectomy it will remove all the cancer. My mom agreed to it. As the Dr walked out the door she told my mom although this is cancer this is the most curable Cancer and removing it will cure it 100% it was a relief. And as I was walking I thanked simi in my head over and over. Now I will be my mom full care giver. And yes she treats me horrible and has since I was a child. But I’m literally her only child. My mom still praise her neice and not me. But at this point I can’t fight no more I just want to help her and move away. But simi helped me with this big time
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Many blessings to you for doing what you did even though she doesn't seem to care... pray for her to see how much you care and love her and that's some amazing news! simi is awesome!! She is really amazing!!