Seriously before i start working with a candle i always read reviews and stories from the forum to get ideas and also to see how it worked for others ... i applied for a refund from two courses i had to drop due to serious health issues back on january 30th and have ben waiting for an answer since. My enrollment window opened on the 6th of march and needed the credit to be applied before then so i could enroll in my last course but the financial block on my account wouldnt let me enroll. Mind you i was expecting to take the course in september but for some reason this year its offered during the summer which they never do so i was stressed the hell out i needed them to apply the credit asappppp.... anyways i called my school on the 6th and they said they had no answer to give and that i would get one in the next two weeks OMG I WAS LIVIIIIID because why they working so slow? So that night i grabbed my simi candle and sat in front of it and spoke to her and told her listen i wouldnt come to you to bother you unless its an emergency. Right now i need you to help me with this as i really need to graduate. I kept saying i really need to graduate plz understand that i need to be able to enroll before monday because the course is really popular and fills up pretty fast. I was almost about to cry tbh im not going to lie lol
The very next morning i called the school to see if anything moved up and they gave me the same answer im sure they were tired of me calling at that point ... so i went back to simi held her in my hands without lighting it and spoke to her again told her " sorry to bother you this esrly but i really need you to act fast im sorry to rush you i dont mean to be rude but plz do something to help me " i was so desperate... well guess what two hrs later i received an email saying they granted the refund and removed more than i expected my student account went from 3345$ to 1k flat my eyes were like 👀👀👀👀 than i started laughing and thought to myself simi noticed im broke as hell and added a lil hint on top to shut me up cuz i was doing too much 😂. All that to say simi came through it was my 1st time using her and she def showed out . This is one candle i will use once in a while i need more now i still cant beleive it thank you Lala you the goat🩷