Simi is PHENOMENAL! Everytime I need something she ensures I have it especially money. I use the stone with the oil but I’m so glad we have the stone to now have her guidance forever. Lala truly outdid herself. I am beyond grateful for Simi in every way
Simi is used for emergencies. Try using Supreme Quantum if you have it or Knowledge (I think that's the name of the candle) when you study and prepare yourself for your exam. Good luck. 💜
Try the Simi stone. That should work! Do you have an altar for her? Build a relationship with her because she comes really quickly for those who honor her and talk to her.
Simi came through for me within 24 hours. I did put in the necessary work and she came!!! I thank her so many times is unbelieveable. I was charged for something I do not use and I received my money back even when the site said no refund after 15 days. I called on Simi and she answered. I need to order another bottle so I would never run out. I should have added to my previous order when LaLa had that awesome buy 1 get 2 free sale! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
I used simi for a friend of mine. She's relocating out of state and was tryna find some where for her dogs. I asked for simi to help her dogs find homes. She was gonna have no option but to take then to the pound. She found a home for both dogs. Separate places but they not in the pound they are in homes.
Look here...SIMI is the truthhhhh!!!!! Honeyyyyy!!!! SIMI is that need her in rotation with Mars and Halo 😇 that's how I feel about it 😆 candle and oil needs to be constantly in rotation. And I love how you don't need to use alot...she works immediately
Unknown member
Dec 19, 2024
Replying to
Yeah I have considered that thought..Thanks will do,I will also probably ask Simi to help me get money to help fund my childs schroth method therapy because time is of the essence for their spine especially when their growing..For my other child I've been trying herbs because I really don't want them on medication..
I would also say be precise in how you ask. Sometimes I just talk to her, And other times I chant. If I were you, I would chant "Simi please heal "child's name " powerfully and immediately. Also ask her to remove any and ALL negativity and curses that have been sent to and picked up by your child. Ask her to heal them and protect them.
THANK YOU SIMI!!!!! THANK YOU LALA & Conjure Family!
One of my family members got into trouble with the law over the weekend and SIMI (candle & oil) along with the Hyper candle, Seraphim Candle, anointed with Supreme Quantum Ether oil and Omnipotent Ether Oil, our ancestors and the orishas, within 48 hours she is home! She's not one to get into trouble however this was a lesson that needed to be learned unfortunately. I am grateful that she was treated kindly while in that space and will work on these charges but for now, she is safely home! The candles were powerful and I saw 555, 333, 222, 444 and 111 everywhere. I am beyond grateful! Thank you Simi, you've showed up for me several times but this was the one that I needed you the most and you showed out! My family are prayer warriors and every effort helped. Simi is the truth! My intentions were very clear, I wrote the same petition for all 3 candles, anointed them with the oils and I chanted for 10-15 minutes. If Hyper and Seraphim ever were released again or in Ether form, I would get a few more. I am grateful. Thank you again Simi and Lala. ❤️ You never know what could happen in life so having Simi in the stash is a must! Please keep Simi on your site.
I just want y yo share my testimony with all of you. I got the candle and the oil. I use both at the same time. I just recently completed my doctorate and to be honest I wasn’t looking for a job, because first I need to pass a very difficult test. I was blessed with two unexpected job opportunities (the both are great!!!). I asked Simi for help and she shows up! Today I received an email from one of the job where they said that they are only waiting for one of my references to respond. About the other job I received great feedbacks about my presentation (was part of the interview process), and now they start calling my references.
Another note:
At the beginning of the year I submitted my annual evaluation with a request for promotion (a really hard promotion at the VA). Last month I found out that they declined my promotion (my manager was informed months ago but she “forgot” to tell me… yeah right). I remember that after I talked to Simi about my first interview I look the candle and I think “It would be good, that the VA give me my promotion. I worked hard for it). That same week I appeal my promotion. I talked to Simi and I told her that my company owe me, and that I need the money so badly (I’m in a very tough situation right now).
In less than two weeks I received the confirmation of my promotion! Annnndddd with a notification that they are going to payback all this months!!! I’m happy and grateful.
The main reason I bought this candle is because I need all the help to pass my boards. Tomorrow (11/20/2024) I’m going to take my boards, so I’m going to ask Simi for her help and intervention. Because this is an emergency for me. If I don’t pass my boards I can’t accept those two job offers. I trust in her.
Greetings. Fall back relax & refocus. Find out the weak areas. I Suggest a prep course, meditation & reiki cleansing, positive thoughts I WILL PASS THE EXAM or I HAVE PASSED THE EXAM, carve into a white candle I HAVE PASSED THE EXAM etc. and keep taking the exam. NEVER GIVE UP. You Got This.You will PASS. ASE’☮️💎💐⭐️💕👏
I must say this is the best. I used Simi for two of my family members who were very sick with one being in ICU. Less than 6 hours after using the oil both are feeling great. Amazing and I thank Simi for everything!
Family friend had a stroke and things were looking really bad. I used simi oil & I made my mother use it as well while we both asked her to intervene and heal our friend. Well it's been a week and things have improved remarkably. This was a person who lost all functions and couldn't speak so when three days later she said my name I was astounded. Simi did that. I carry Simi with me everywhere now. No exceptions
just received my SIMI I need to know if I can ask for her assistance now for two important and major things in my life
Next month I’m going to have a job interview as a professor in an very important university and I also going to take my boards (I failed three times already). Can I ask her for help/favor now or I should wait?
Are you studying from now until you your exam?? Sure ask simi to help with focus, memory, confidence etc before study and I'dask her day of board/interview, I'd ask her for help in what ever you need your emergency help in. I say good on you for being persistent and not giving up..
I have a question if anyone can answer please..My kids have been getting sick one has been dealing with bad allergies since late spring the other bad tummy aches I have been to docs but healing has been long term & now they have a viral infection,No breaks 😢..Do I put Simi on myself to help remove their sicknesses & heal them or would I put it on them?
Unknown member
Sep 23, 2024
Replying to
Yup I told her that it doesn't matter if their twin flames she has gained very little and instead took huge loses..I'm sorry you went through that & I congratulate you on your strength to leave I know it prolly took a lot to do it..I made her get a cord cutting candle hopefully it already starts working on her way to her🤞this week..Yup will do & I'm also making plans to move..This whole year was traumatic for me & I wish she could understand that instead of trying to have her cake & eat it too..If she can't let this thing go & wants to keep fighting for love at least let me leave and be happy too..What's crazy is I re-watched lalas series on yt & she spoke on parasitic energy..So I think this what's going on,they are basically bringing her down to their level as well financially & she is close to losing the house..Their living situation & financial is unstable,which is happening to her..
Does SIMI comes with a candle to manifest your needs. Just oil form only? This is my first time hearing of SIMI. Please enlighten me reference chant for pain, finance, & protection.🤔
Simi is PHENOMENAL! Everytime I need something she ensures I have it especially money. I use the stone with the oil but I’m so glad we have the stone to now have her guidance forever. Lala truly outdid herself. I am beyond grateful for Simi in every way
I been asking Simi to help me to pass my boards and guess what
Every time I fail
I lit m SIMI candle a 2nd time this week, and I woke up to the label melted & the jar burned to a crisp. any thoughts?
Simi came through within an hour! Tap in. She works immediately!
Simi came through for me within 24 hours. I did put in the necessary work and she came!!! I thank her so many times is unbelieveable. I was charged for something I do not use and I received my money back even when the site said no refund after 15 days. I called on Simi and she answered. I need to order another bottle so I would never run out. I should have added to my previous order when LaLa had that awesome buy 1 get 2 free sale! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
I used simi for a friend of mine. She's relocating out of state and was tryna find some where for her dogs. I asked for simi to help her dogs find homes. She was gonna have no option but to take then to the pound. She found a home for both dogs. Separate places but they not in the pound they are in homes.
Look here...SIMI is the truthhhhh!!!!! Honeyyyyy!!!! SIMI is that need her in rotation with Mars and Halo 😇 that's how I feel about it 😆 candle and oil needs to be constantly in rotation. And I love how you don't need to use alot...she works immediately
THANK YOU SIMI!!!!! THANK YOU LALA & Conjure Family!
One of my family members got into trouble with the law over the weekend and SIMI (candle & oil) along with the Hyper candle, Seraphim Candle, anointed with Supreme Quantum Ether oil and Omnipotent Ether Oil, our ancestors and the orishas, within 48 hours she is home! She's not one to get into trouble however this was a lesson that needed to be learned unfortunately. I am grateful that she was treated kindly while in that space and will work on these charges but for now, she is safely home! The candles were powerful and I saw 555, 333, 222, 444 and 111 everywhere. I am beyond grateful! Thank you Simi, you've showed up for me several times but this was the one that I needed you the most and you showed out! My family are prayer warriors and every effort helped. Simi is the truth! My intentions were very clear, I wrote the same petition for all 3 candles, anointed them with the oils and I chanted for 10-15 minutes. If Hyper and Seraphim ever were released again or in Ether form, I would get a few more. I am grateful. Thank you again Simi and Lala. ❤️ You never know what could happen in life so having Simi in the stash is a must! Please keep Simi on your site.
SIMI worked. My case was dismissed. I only had to do a few hours of community service.
I just want y yo share my testimony with all of you. I got the candle and the oil. I use both at the same time. I just recently completed my doctorate and to be honest I wasn’t looking for a job, because first I need to pass a very difficult test. I was blessed with two unexpected job opportunities (the both are great!!!). I asked Simi for help and she shows up! Today I received an email from one of the job where they said that they are only waiting for one of my references to respond. About the other job I received great feedbacks about my presentation (was part of the interview process), and now they start calling my references.
Another note:
At the beginning of the year I submitted my annual evaluation with a request for promotion (a really hard promotion at the VA). Last month I found out that they declined my promotion (my manager was informed months ago but she “forgot” to tell me… yeah right). I remember that after I talked to Simi about my first interview I look the candle and I think “It would be good, that the VA give me my promotion. I worked hard for it). That same week I appeal my promotion. I talked to Simi and I told her that my company owe me, and that I need the money so badly (I’m in a very tough situation right now).
In less than two weeks I received the confirmation of my promotion! Annnndddd with a notification that they are going to payback all this months!!! I’m happy and grateful.
The main reason I bought this candle is because I need all the help to pass my boards. Tomorrow (11/20/2024) I’m going to take my boards, so I’m going to ask Simi for her help and intervention. Because this is an emergency for me. If I don’t pass my boards I can’t accept those two job offers. I trust in her.
I just received simi ,
I wanted to know can I use it to get all my charges on driving without insurance dismissed and a warrant I had got regarding this case.
The court is on BS. It was during Covid no had insurance. I believe since it was during Covid I shouldn’t have to pay it.
Everyone was affected. I burned supreme law a few weeks ago, just wondering should I burn SIMI too?
I must say this is the best. I used Simi for two of my family members who were very sick with one being in ICU. Less than 6 hours after using the oil both are feeling great. Amazing and I thank Simi for everything!
Family friend had a stroke and things were looking really bad. I used simi oil & I made my mother use it as well while we both asked her to intervene and heal our friend. Well it's been a week and things have improved remarkably. This was a person who lost all functions and couldn't speak so when three days later she said my name I was astounded. Simi did that. I carry Simi with me everywhere now. No exceptions
Everyone is on deck using SIMI ie GOD, Jesus Christ, Angels, Ancestors, Spirit guides & Deities. Daily prayers 🙏✨💕
just received my SIMI I need to know if I can ask for her assistance now for two important and major things in my life
Next month I’m going to have a job interview as a professor in an very important university and I also going to take my boards (I failed three times already). Can I ask her for help/favor now or I should wait?
Feeling like I’m purging and SIMI oil is on its way.. is this normal?
I have a question if anyone can answer please..My kids have been getting sick one has been dealing with bad allergies since late spring the other bad tummy aches I have been to docs but healing has been long term & now they have a viral infection,No breaks 😢..Do I put Simi on myself to help remove their sicknesses & heal them or would I put it on them?
Does SIMI comes with a candle to manifest your needs. Just oil form only? This is my first time hearing of SIMI. Please enlighten me reference chant for pain, finance, & protection.🤔