Has anyone experienced emotional irritability/feelings of overwhelming emotions after a blockbuster ritual/unblocking work? I believe this is similar to the crossroads candle.
if so, how long does it usually last? thank you for your answers in advanced, they are much appreciated.
I did chaelas unhex girl I felt so light I still feel it sometimes and it was 2 weeks ago
Omg I just told someone I felt it before she started but didn’t think I could thought I was just being funny lol
Thanks for your replies everyone! I was feeling ok but I was more worried about my brother. I put him in the ritual and he seemed like he was emotionally purging for sure.
I've also layered a lot so it is hard to tell what it is, but I appreciate the replies!
I felt my body hot and headaches, my stomach has been so upset 😭, feel like trowing up and anxious. That is normal! Drink lots of water and stay positive make sure to meditate
Too many layers, so it's gotta be a part of each, I guess.
Girl i be drained and my stomach been acting up mind you I’ve been on a fast for 4 days now 😖
Not emotional but exhausted. I did do a partial halo burn and the soul purge the week before though, plus the intense wealth.
Yes it is a bit weird though because I did not expect to have emotional/mental purging or whatever it is since Chaela’s had got me so confident, feeling lighter, happy, etc
I am, but I thought it was from the healing candle I lit on sunday, not the ritual. Now I’m not sure