Ok, so this was the first time in over a one or more since my husband and I took a road trip from south east Arkansas to DFW Texas area.
But, my delivery of 2 travel tags and the complete coin collection, and my home tag was to arrive the same morning. And I stalled still my husband said we got to leave to make good timing. So, I got in the car and made an excuse to run make in the house. I got my ether Omni shield, ether 11 love spell, 11 witch body oil. And head to the front door.
(Backstory: My package got delayed and semi-lost after shipping. And I had to put in a request to USPS to get it back on track towards my house. Now, I live in a home I inherited that my grandparents brought back in the 1940’s. And since then our mailbox has always been on our back door. Anybody who knows our family or is family/friends come in the house through our back door. Not till 10 years ago when the front dry rotted and replaced with a security door did my householder start coming in & out through the front door. We don’t even answer the door if someone knocks on it. Only if you have a key will you come through that door. )
So, got my oils and I’m coming out the front door and the mail man flags me down to give my 3 deliveries… 📦 📦📦 One from The Conjure and 2 from TikTok. 😂 I’m so shocked and excited, cause I finally got my order but also cause postal service workers don’t flag you down on Main Street to hand you mail with a smile 😃. 😂
And my husband is like we packed too much to bring all them boxes with us. Take them in the house and let’s go. I intended on bringing everything but my coins had fell out the coin case in the shipping and I wanted to make sure I got them all. So, I ran the boxes back in the house and took the envelope with the tags with my. I kept feeling like I should have left the home tag as protection for my home but I had no time to open the envelope to leave it.
So, we get on the back roads to get to Hope, Ar where we would meet 1-30 to Dallas, TX. We got 20 or more mile outside of Texarkana, TX near New Boston, TX in the middle of a thunder storm and hydroplaned We had cars on all sides of us as we spun out in a 360 into the median. Mud and dirt flew everywhere around the outside of the car and in every corner and crease of the car.
A Texas Game Warden saw and came I’ve to check on us. He was considered for us and called a wrecker to pull us out cause our 4wheel drive can’t get us. He said he was in a rush and couldn’t stay with us but help is on the way. The wrecker came but was too scared to cross traffic along to get us so we had to wait a little longer from a state trooper to direct traffic. I was getting sleepy 🥱. So I grabbed my travel blanket ans covered my eyes when my yelled “OH SH!T!!!”. I looked up and another car was just dodged my car on my side (passenger side) and slid 10 feet away in front of our car.
We start screaming, “THANK YOU GOD!!!” Now I had my tag in my pocket and my husband had his in his wallet. The home tag was in the glove compartment. My oils were in my overnight bag.
We were pulled out the median about 10 mins later. And made it to our destination and make home without a scratch on the car (just dirt and mud and a small air leak in the back driver side tire) We might need an alignment. But we got the tire plugged.
My husband said the car should have turned over. I felt like we would have been hit or hit one of the cars that was around us in traffic when we spun out. The wrecker, police, and game warden said rather rain or shine cars daily spin out in the same spot on that highway. 🛣️
I’m just grateful from the Conjure for these layers of protection. And thank GOD I was able to get a hold of them.
Y’all are truly a life saving blessing…
Love that story!