Had to tell my quick review on my Travel Tag! First off the energy ran through me instantly! When I opened it I could feel the protection! I’ve bought a lot Auntie’s items and this one has once again prove to me that Conjure is real. Alright! Back to the story! This morning 02/19 I usually speed down the same road to and from to drop my daughter 20-30 mins to school. This specific road always has speed traps and the speed limit is 35 mph! Everyone does at least 50-60 mph on this road! Well, this morning I was speeding back home and BAM A CONSTABLE WAS PARKED😩 facing dead at me! Y’all I just knew I was getting pulled over doing 53 mph in 35 mph zone! I swear it’s like he didn’t even see me! Mind you I could not slow down or hit my breaks nothing. I was preparing to be pull over and nothing happened! I was in disbelief! 🙃
I also notice I have new sense of awareness to every driver I come in contact with that has tried to cut in front of me or is speeding and I’ll stop and see them before they see me. When she restocks those tags!!! Don’t miss out!!!
I’m definitely want to get one for my brothers! I haven’t received mine yet because it’s tied up with the plates and money stone!
Yesss!!! I love that for you! My travel tag saved me also. My tire light was on and I put some air in it. Something told me to touch my tag and ask for help I have no idea why but halfway to where I was going (30min away) I kept hearing get off this highway now. No lie, no sooner than I was able to take that exit my tire popped. I didn't even have to wait 5min before a man came to my aid. That isn't all though because once I left there I went to the tire shop and they inspected my other tires. TWO MORE TIRES were bad one of which popped the second they took it off. I know I could've been in a bad wreck if all three of those tires popped on that highway. Everyone needs this fr
Yes they are the truth
I have it in my daughter's car. She is 17. Only lord knows what she is doing in that car 😆
Same thing happened with Simi. I just knew I was about to get pulled over, the cop was behind me running my plates but as soon as I sprayed my Simi oil he got over and rolled right past me. It really was as LaLa says shift changing bc it happened in seconds