Hey, does anyone else feel a female, elderly spirit attached to these tags? Feels very similar to Semi but might not be?
Just curious if anyone else feels her - whoever she is. She is on Lala's spirit team. As a Medium, I know that this particular spirit doesn't come from my spirit team.
Very loving, caring, grandmotherly energy.
When I first bought my very first product from here, it was the Halo/unhex/healed candle and I didn't know when I was getting it in the mail until I smelled that exact candle and I had a hug of comfort. Then later on that day, I had a notification from the delivery company that the candle was delivered. When I opened up the candle, I was blown away because it smelled exactly like what I was smelling earlier on that day.
Since then, anytime I get a product from Lala, I can see and feel the different spirits attached to her products. She has a fierce spirit team. I don't know who one of the male spirit is, but he won't let anyone mess with you. He will create karma for others. Nice guy. I genuinely appreciate him. I also hold the utmost respect to guides that are not mine. I respect those boundaries and I am grateful that they want to help.
I feel sorry for whoever tries to do magic against you. I'll tell you that. Those people will be in for an exceptionally rude awakening.
I am still waiting on mine.
Keep wondering how powerful this tag is. The energy is very intense my heart races, I havent experienced anything ever since I hanged the door tag in my dresser hiding in my clothes. I can't put it at the front door because family will think it's evil. But that energy is insane. So I'm wondering how powerful is this tag when it comes to thoughs evil ones flying at nights to slow down people progress at their home. Is it like a return to sender or the spirits connected to the tag will throw them down, because lala did say those protection spirits are fierce. I keep wondering what will happen to anyone who dare try witchcraft on me.
That’s amazing. I noticed that some orders fly by older orders based on what I need at the time. I wonder it’s Shango but your abilities are amazing. I carry my travel tag on me sometimes. I hope it keeps the enemies away.