I really need your help,I’m fairly new to this,I have the 11 wealth spells and it came with the little white stones and glitter candle,I read the booklet and it doesn’t say specifically about the 11 wealth spells directions,can I please get a start on it,I have real Florida water to cleanse my area and I’m ready to work,i truly appreciate it
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The stones you speak of are called " FRANKINCENSE " you burn a piece of black charcoal then sprinkle the frankincense on top
My candle came with the seal and some white stones… that’s it,I just need directions on the setup so I can begin,there was no charcoal with my candle
It's an 11 + Supreme Intense candle (supreme 8 I think) the frankensense is to be burned while chanting - because of the seal.
You should have a charcoal disc, frankencense, and the candle. Light the disc, once it begins to turn red place the frankenslcense on it, light the candle and begin to chant your desires for example: I am a money magnet, money comes to me easily, I have a good relationship with money etc. Once you are through chanting, snuff the disc out. Normally charcoal is burned in a cauldron or on a fire safe plate. Don't overthink it. You must start somewhere in order to get somewhere. Happy Manifesting.
Also, in the description of the 11 wealth spell products, you’ll see the list of different spells that were combined to make the 11 spells. You can also look up those spells individually and make your own combination for your chant. Using affirmations in the “I am” format/tense is a good start to creating a chant.
Otherwise, use the directions for the spelled candles from the booklet.
Hope that helps ❤️
It came with white stones? Does it have a supreme seal on it? If so, you will need to burn the stones (it’s frankincense) on top of the charcoal tablets when using the candle.
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