Good morning. I burned it for 6 hours the night before last. I sat with my candle, spoke to the flame, vibed to the music that speaks to my soul, posted here and dozed off until exactly 6 hours. That was my sign. I woke up warm and certain.
I felt nothing notable physically other than a sudden increase in pain from a bad tooth I'm avoiding dealing with. I've purged before so my schedule was clear. I haven't really done anything except wash clothes, clean house attend a zoom meeting for the first day. Now I'm out in the sunshine sitting on my good soul homie's porch. She gets me and loves me. Wearing Erris❤️. No firm plans for the day so I can observe and document how my magic works with LaLa's expert foundational support to boost me. I have no idea exactly what or how but I feel something wonderful brewing and I'm here to announce that I will be here to announce something soon❤️! I totally trust my highest good is manifesting more every freaking day.
I am free. I am whole. I am vibrating at my highest frequency ever!!III am safe and protected. I'm walking in my completeness! Let's gooooo!!
Thanks for the energizing forum. This is the ONE place I can openly share my intentions and give my energy authentically without censorship. With LaLa's help, that is changing now❤️