I have read the booklet and have already experienced amazing results in work on myself. I need to do domination work on a group of 5 people and then later do work on one specific person in that group. Is it OK to use the same picture with the two candles? Also, do I need to put all 5 pictures in a jar even though I don't have any personal effects from anyone in the group, I just want the same thing for all 5 people. Please advise and thank you in advance for your guidance.
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Thank you, this is good to know, I need to purchase a few more candles.
OK thank you. I have 5 separate pictures but because they are all coworkers, I think I can make a pic collage for the group and then use the individual picture later.
I would use a separate picture with just the one person. Or you could do your conjure for the 5 people first and then cut that person's picture and put it under the candle. Whoever is in the picture will be affected so if you don't want the other 4 affected then they can't be in the picture.
I would use a separate picture with just the one picture. Or you could do your conjure for the 5 people first and then cut that person's picture and put it under the candle. Whoever is in the picture will be affected so if you don't want the other 4 affected then they can't be in the picture.
3 people per XL 1 person to the small