My 1st conjur...I. was nervous but it went pretty well....I feel fine..but the flame on the conjur candle is Dancing non stop and the chime min they are still..the next they move to the right, to the left...they become tall then go down...all over the place!!!!!!!
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I'm on my 5 pen of Jupiter for Thursday and I'm using the same petition because it's talored to what I need and I want. Started that one at 11 pm before the day was over. It's still burning nicely.
No chant... And each petition is tailored to you and what you need!!! Just keep it detailed but short and sweet...! Include your targets info(dob,full name) pic(if you have one) any identifiable info for your target
Yes I burned mine too I didn't want to put it out but I wanted to use it again. It burned and talked and be danced all night. Yours looks beautiful
One of my Sisters on here said she saw something...she circled it...What do y'all see?
And the candle has been burning since about 12:04am .....its burning down pretty fast!!!
Look at you 😍❤️ congratulations wasn’t it an amazing experience did you feel spirit come through when you activated the seal.
The chime candle closest to the water has been dancing like will shoot up tall then come back down...
Bubbles in the water...
Im amazed at the energy thats effecting the chime candles...Even after dismissing the spirits, Energy is still flowing!!! There is no air flow in the room but the way the flame is moving, you would think so...!!! I tried to upload a video but it wont let me