Hey y’all! So, I’ve burned 4 POS for the same target (my ex) twice with the same candle; both times had low flames. When I searched in the forum I saw that I wasn’t the only one experiencing that (although I still didn't find a definitive answer). my candle still hasn’t burned evenly, so its still a good amount left on the jar.
I don’t have anymore charcoal tablets but I still have a lot of frankincense left. I dont know if I should toss whatever is left in the jar (it’s quite full) or get more charcoal tablets and reuse it for another target or my ex again.
Can some real Conjurers help a sista out please?
No judgment please 😊. Thank You. Peace ☮️ and Love ❤️.
I think the candle wasn’t made well, because I have the same issues with low flames, the wax keeps drowning the wick
It’s normal to run out of charcoal and frankincense just buy more they sell it in Amazon or Etsy. Also you can use a match to help with the flame issue, it helped me a lot.
Exactly same situation I'm going to buy a few charcoal tablets and keep burning my 4pos next Saturday for the same target. I always have very low flame with that candle so it burns very slowly