Conjure candles you really can’t mess that up. Just tell spirit what you want. Exactly what you feel. If you were talking to a friend about your business how world you talk to her about your desires? Just say how you feel. You’re not changing. You are expressing what you desire. Only you know what you truly want and desire. I desire for you to immediately bring to me more financial stability. Grant me more income in all areas and grant me new ideas and avenues of making new, continuous streams of wealth and income just an example
@Audra Dukes thank you sis
@Audra Dukes thank you sis
Conjure candles you really can’t mess that up. Just tell spirit what you want. Exactly what you feel. If you were talking to a friend about your business how world you talk to her about your desires? Just say how you feel. You’re not changing. You are expressing what you desire. Only you know what you truly want and desire. I desire for you to immediately bring to me more financial stability. Grant me more income in all areas and grant me new ideas and avenues of making new, continuous streams of wealth and income just an example
@Audra Dukes This one’s for you sis!