Can I jus SHARE WIT yawl the REAL PROTECTION and Defenses are IN PLAY OUR ANCESTORS WILL and u MUST GIVE free standing candles had some herbs and oils and they burned down 2 just the WICK...CLEAAAAN 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 I got another set ov movement wen the target I have burned candles AGAINST.....THE ENEMY n the other I must say THEIR NAMES R APPEARING EVERYWEA ON TV SHOWS in stores on products the songs or the ARTIST its something n I BEEN FEELIN A HUGE CHANGE LITTLE BY LITTLE my ancestors r giving me signs and I am siking myself wit the whole naaa bt this one wasn't tagged n this post does that mean...listen After I had an UNWELCOMED and surprise visitor appear at my home Ive done protection and defenses and then some...TRY ME is all im sayin bt YES THAAANKING LALA FOR HER MAJOR WORKS CUZ SHE IS LIT

IS THAT A BULLET!!!! 😳 Yo ass ain't playin!!