Hi I hope everyone is doing well. So I'm thinking about lighting 5th pentacle of Jupiter soon. Would like to hear your experience with the candle thanks
Np. [@Beautiful Warrior] I would say meditation(youtube has plenty of videos) focusing on breathing techniques and my favorite earthing(walking outside in my backyard) and hugging a tree bare foot. Taking a cold shower increases immunity and elevates your mood. Also Exercise dispels unwanted or built up energy. Very beneficial for your mental and physical health. Stock up on your favorite crystals as well -place near you. 😃
[@Beautiful Warrior] my experience has been quite interesting lately. I burned Visions on Apr.2 it ended Apr.4. I have always been an Empath and could pick up on others emotions. My emotions and dreams are at an all time high now. I also see random sparks of light in my vision area and my third eye, I think is opening due to extreme pressure in that area. Very Powerful Candles👈 Grounding advised when using this candle 🕯 My whole life has changed for the better🤗
@Ashley Tate Thank you so much for response. What are your favorite methods of grounding. I havent tried standing in the earth (soil) yet it still cold here in Cleveland any suggestions thanks ❤🧡💛
Np. [@Beautiful Warrior] I would say meditation(youtube has plenty of videos) focusing on breathing techniques and my favorite earthing(walking outside in my backyard) and hugging a tree bare foot. Taking a cold shower increases immunity and elevates your mood. Also Exercise dispels unwanted or built up energy. Very beneficial for your mental and physical health. Stock up on your favorite crystals as well -place near you. 😃
[@Beautiful Warrior] my experience has been quite interesting lately. I burned Visions on Apr.2 it ended Apr.4. I have always been an Empath and could pick up on others emotions. My emotions and dreams are at an all time high now. I also see random sparks of light in my vision area and my third eye, I think is opening due to extreme pressure in that area. Very Powerful Candles👈 Grounding advised when using this candle 🕯 My whole life has changed for the better🤗