Soooo let's talk about this candle... After I activated the seal I felt spirit immediately...The sensation of the hair on my neck,arms,legs standing up...!!! After I finished the Conjure I walked away from to to tend to my sons and walked back in front of the candle and Got dizzy. I let it burn all night but I have the off and on feeling of spirit brushing up against me. I feel the hair raise on my body...!!! I'm already intuitive and since spirit(I'm a pisces) but I think candle might have put it into overdrive....
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I'm really considering this candle! I'm nervous as to how I will react to it but I want it!
I am excited! I have this candle on the way!! I already have seen orbs, auras, heard voices outside of me (Like spirits) have clairvoyance imagines in meditation so, I am looking to connect Deeper
Make sure you
Ground! and ground some more - imagine a tree root growing From the base of your spine to the center of the universe - and tree roots growing into The ground from the soles of your feet.
— also use your light of protection around you And within your space, home, car!
What did you use for tin? My candle top is copper colored with tin inside to snuff i suppose
🤭😧... I have this candle on the way and kinda wary lighting it. They say be careful what you wish for? I was just thinking the other day that is it better to be ignorant and have bliss? Or open and.....