I put it under the candle with the petition. I was making calls and I came back to that. I had more but it burned up. I didn't burn it intentionally. The candle was on top. Im new but I would say if you intentionally do that do it with the conjure candles because those are the ones that should really get offerings.
Lol. I think so. I know they say don't get caught up in the flames but that flame was HIGH all night long and higher than Halo and the DA i did last month. Im like well maybe I should've did this one first after halo lol I'm supe r excited now
Yes! I lit my GF on the day of a job interview. Went so well - never heard anything back. Three weeks to the day I burned it - got a call to come in for a salary negotiation. GF doesn’t play games!
Buy ancestor Money
Ooooooooh, k. I just learned something from you, Thanks 👍🏽
Whoa 😯 can you do that? You burned it inside the candle. And congrats 🍾🎈🎊🎉
I wrote my own petition being specific. I didn't even research what to say. Im so proud of myself right now.
Burn those Washingtons, my friend! 🔥🔥🔥🔥