I need some help and direction. I really believe my son’s GF has a hex on him. I have been told from a reliable reader she has done black magic on him. I have used Lala’s work on him in the past and it seemed to work. Last week I burned UHH. I need some suggestions on what to burn next to release her hold on him.
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Why do you think it is a Hex? I don't kkow anyone who would stick around with someone they’ve Hexed? A Hex goes down the bloodline. What did the reliable reader advise you or him to do?
What, if any,other candles do you currently own?
-3rd Party Remove?
-Return to Sender?
-6th Pentacle of Mars?
-4th/5th Pentacle of the Moon?
-3rd pentacle of the Sun?
And there's so many for protection.
I agree Deliverance !
Definitely protection and cleanse baths with sea salt . If your in a warm area near a beach take him their to cleanse. Keep cleansing. Do you conjure? If yes go to the powers choir of angels and the seraphim angels
I would also add 6th POMARS if Lala makes it available. Stop, cloak, and Cheala's cutting soul ties ritual. I know it's alot but just some more options for you.
Thank you everyone for the great advice!
I like the full size Unhex all alone, full burn. I also like layering with ChaelaBre's Soulpurge cleansing and healing type ceremonies. She also sometimes does an Unhex ceremony and her Divine 9 is incredible. Deliverance would be amazing. I think it's really good to run routine protection. Oh, the Blood Health candle is very good at healing, even this type of healing. 2nd P Mars can work too. If there is still a Halo/4thPMoon that's a great candle for protection. If the protection or Defense bracelets come back they're good. If can get the door tag and travel tag, I think they really help block bad stuff. Like if she Hexes him and he's got the travel tag or door tag, those tags will definitely help handle stuff.
I used Unhex and felt a huge difference but when I used Deliverance my life began to be restored. So I assume it depends on how severe the curse is. If you have Unhex, use it now
Used Defense To Keep Him Protected From It Or Supreme 4 Or Some Of The Conjure Lines
Deliverance is amazing. I recommend this to anyone.