I gave some if my bracelets away. You can only wear a few. And one of each is enough. If you feel the need to gift it I'm sure more blessings will return to you.
She can but personally I don’t like people wearing my jewelry or touching my crystals because I don’t want it to absorb their energy although it can be cleared and charged again. Black tourmaline that comes with halo is for protection against negative energies and intentions. You could get her some crystals from your local metaphysical store small ones to carry in the bra or pocket maybe clear quartz, sodalite, lepidolite, moonstone, Shungite, and or kyanite they all help with stress and anxiety.
I have given some of my crystals and bracelets away to my family/friends who I felt could use them. Otherwise I would have a bowl full.
I gave some if my bracelets away. You can only wear a few. And one of each is enough. If you feel the need to gift it I'm sure more blessings will return to you.
She can but personally I don’t like people wearing my jewelry or touching my crystals because I don’t want it to absorb their energy although it can be cleared and charged again. Black tourmaline that comes with halo is for protection against negative energies and intentions. You could get her some crystals from your local metaphysical store small ones to carry in the bra or pocket maybe clear quartz, sodalite, lepidolite, moonstone, Shungite, and or kyanite they all help with stress and anxiety.