Hello Loves,Have a question. I was burning my fertility candle with Ahara candle. My Husband and I were baby dancing and the flame got higher and hotter to the point the candle broke and caught on fire. What could that mean?
You need to make sure that there’s always water in your bowl. The water does evaporate as the casing gets warm and the bowl needs to be replenished with water.
One of my candles cracked and it was in water but the seeped in and extinguished the flame
One of my candles cracked and it was in water but the seeped in and extinguished the flame
Whats baby dancing? Is that dancing with a baby? 😂
You need to make sure that there’s always water in your bowl. The water does evaporate as the casing gets warm and the bowl needs to be replenished with water.
Thank you guys I used the plate because the bowl I had also did it with Deadly Attraction but thanks again
If you place your candle in a bowl of water it will not crack or break. It’s very safe. The candle casing shattered because it got too hot.
Next time place your candle in a bowl of water, not saying that the glass won't crack but it's a lil safer.
Herbs caught fire and it got too hot. Alot of others have been having something similar happen