Hi, I wanted someone to share their experience with the alchemy plate omni lovers. I would also like to know how to use it.
I just ordered a couple of days ago, and a day after I ordered it, the target I bought this for has ended things between us, saying he is not feeling it between us. I’m kind of sad, we were heading down to Maldives in march for a vacation and to bring in the next level of commitment in our relationship. I’m not sure if I should use this on us to bring the love back. Any suggestions that will help me use the alchemy plate Omni lovers and what I can do. How to use. What to do. If anyone could help would be great?
You all recieved your plates??
This plate you don’t need to chant, but you may. Burn halo and truth, if you have, then you may do lovers return. I love the chant for lovers return in Lala’s cookbook: it covers that plus fidelity in the chant provided. Also with this plate, you can use it every day discretely. It can also be used for commitment, I like the chant in the cookbook for that one (it’s a binding chant that includes fidelity). Hope this helps! Give us an update when you get yours. I can’t wait for mines!
Well sometimes things happen so things can happen…you should burn truth to find out why the sudden change before you go about the rekindle process. Omni could be saving you from a bunch of heartache and pain. You never know. Because Omni gives you the highest vibration of love, he may not be on that vibration. He might have a relationship with someone else and you don’t know it yet.