Today would have been out 5 year anniversary. I’m feeling defeated. We’ve only been apart for 2 months and he’s already dating. My candles haven’t been shipped and I’m losing hope. I don’t know what to do or if me starting this process too late. I just want to cry today
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Look for manifesting and Psalms videos on YouTube and listen to them daily. Also stop thinking negative. I know its hard but definitely try to think positive. Write self love affirmations and make a self love jar. Good luck
Don't lose hope. Men tend to move on faster then women, but that can actually work in your favor because many times, they want their family back (i know this from experience and statistics). Continue to do the work. Grab a notebook from Dollar Tree and try the 3-6-9 method or the 33 method in the interim.
I wouldn’t lose hope. 2 months isn’t going to trump 5 years but men are a real trip. I wish you the best. Stay strong.
Are you married? Or a 5 Year relationship anniversary? I would see what I could do to help manifest what you desire before the candles arrive. I wouldn’t call him. I would try to avoid stalking social media. I know it’s hard but there is the chance that this two month relationship started well before 2 months ago.
If you want to cry you should cry. Hèle release thé émotions.
@SagByDay stay positive & optimistic okay