Personally, I am not Nurse but I had to take my state board for a profession with a test that is also very hard.
I use knowledge candle- to help me to understand more of what I was reading and to retain it etc
Power -played a major role on the day of my exam I felt empowered and not scared! ( destiny child magical came on playing I am a Survivor! I felt unstoppable it was an emotional and amazing feeling!! 🙌🏾
1st pentacle of Saturn to compel myself😩( due to my procrastination ways ) so I could study more without easily being distracted
4th pentacle to reveal the unknown about my test and also asking for certain things to not come on my test because those were my weak area and NONe OF THEM CAME ON IT💃🏾
Crossroad/5th pentacle of mercury + 2nd pentacle of mercury- to remove any blockages in my spell work and also to do the impossible of letting me pass my exam! . The impossible part was personal because that exam u need a minimum of 3-6 months to study and I study for less than 2 weeks due to my situation of 2 full time job with being a single mom with a teenager child 😭 iykyk..... it felt impossible
My test was 4 hours long..300 questions but I did it with spirits help because....whew some things on that test was like Spanish to me never seen it throughout all my schooling lol🤣 but bottom line those candles help me dramatically!
Personally, I am not Nurse but I had to take my state board for a profession with a test that is also very hard.
I use knowledge candle- to help me to understand more of what I was reading and to retain it etc
Power -played a major role on the day of my exam I felt empowered and not scared! ( destiny child magical came on playing I am a Survivor! I felt unstoppable it was an emotional and amazing feeling!! 🙌🏾
1st pentacle of Saturn to compel myself😩( due to my procrastination ways ) so I could study more without easily being distracted
4th pentacle to reveal the unknown about my test and also asking for certain things to not come on my test because those were my weak area and NONe OF THEM CAME ON IT💃🏾
Crossroad/5th pentacle of mercury + 2nd pentacle of mercury- to remove any blockages in my spell work and also to do the impossible of letting me pass my exam! . The impossible part was personal because that exam u need a minimum of 3-6 months to study and I study for less than 2 weeks due to my situation of 2 full time job with being a single mom with a teenager child 😭 iykyk..... it felt impossible
My test was 4 hours long..300 questions but I did it with spirits help because....whew some things on that test was like Spanish to me never seen it throughout all my schooling lol🤣 but bottom line those candles help me dramatically!