This may be a a weird question but.. what candle is best for help finding yourself and your path? 5th POM or Crossroads? Lately I've been feeling like idk who I am and what I want for myself. Just turned 25, 3 weeks ago, and I'm questioning my worth more than ever. I really need a lot clarity of who I am. I'm sure one of these candles can help me. If any thoughts, I do appreciate it..
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Have you tried the 5th pentacle of Jupiter? This opens the veil and reveals any abilities that you may have this can assist with your path that you are seeking
I would suggest, Halo and then healing. You need to clear the atmosphere and then heal the part of you that is doubting your self worth. I hope this helps!
Thank you 🥺❤️
I'm new here but I would say. Crossroads to remove the blocks. Halo to cleanse your spirit. Self Love to hlep love your self.
Ahari to bring forth your desires once you have rediscovered yourself. If you are feeling depressed or if it is deeper than just feeling a little lost you may want to start with unhex.