I’ve noticed a significant difference in my manifesting and spell work when I take time to do a spiritual cleansing bath. I literally clean my tub out, spray it down with Florida water and palo santo water, take a quick shower using either black soap or uncrossing soap then I sprinkle blessed sea salt or Himalayan salt in the tub while it’s wet and scrub it with my hands. Rinse the tub out and THEN run fresh bath water, pour my herbs, oils and teas for cleansing while praying Psalms 23 and 51. Then soak for 20 minutes. After soaking I don’t towel dry, I air dry only.
Once this is done THEN I go to my altar and clean it as well and prepare it for the spell work. I keep my thoughts positive or keep my mind blank while doing so. The first altar I prepare is ALWAYS my ancestor altar, I give them offerings and read Psalms 91 to them. After they are good I go to the altar I’m doing my spell work at and proceed to prepare it. Put on some high vibration music and zone TF out. I make sure I have at least one of each element while doing my workings.
I KNOW this seems like a lot but I truly do believe it’s made a grand difference in my conjuring. Also, head washes at least once a month do wonders.
Use a little of the intention oils or Eriss on your hands while working.
Hopefully this will help someone that needs it. Y’all have a blessed and peaceful week!
And you know what would go with a spiritual cleansing? Apply Aura Eriss after that 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I always take a Cleansing bath before starting on my candles 😊