Be careful who you share your info with… one whom came to me with a very warm welcome and wanted to help. gave her my info and my life has been hell since. Be careful!!
Comments (5)
Unknown member
Nov 10, 2021
I agree, I had to protect myself. I gave a person my info as well before. It didn't feel right . I had to be unhex , halo and healing again. Then protection
That's crazy I know I see a couple ppl offering to use there candles to help and offer to out your name in the ritual and I was about to and some seem very kind so don't get me wrong I can see why you did it. But at the last minute I noticed a change in energy and I didn't send my info. My gut just turned and said don't know who is behind the phone and what candle they REALLY putting your name on. It can be someone you know or just someone envious on the forum. As much as I consider most of you family. You still will never know a person's true intentions. I'm sorry love please unhex yourself and protect yourself and reverse all weapons if you have it.Sending you strength and love. 💜🤗💜
WTF ?? Just for the act of grim folly?? You're such a sugar lump, always respectful and insightful. What purpose would that possibly serve a person?? What could they possibly GAIN?! ISTG some folks come-around is gonna be hideous when it hits!!!
@StratusHari I'm so sorry that you went through that!! I hope it's not still happening, I swear they're gonna get exactly what's due to them. You don't throw shit out and think you can't or won't get it back, one way or another they will!!😡😡
I agree, I had to protect myself. I gave a person my info as well before. It didn't feel right . I had to be unhex , halo and healing again. Then protection
That's crazy I know I see a couple ppl offering to use there candles to help and offer to out your name in the ritual and I was about to and some seem very kind so don't get me wrong I can see why you did it. But at the last minute I noticed a change in energy and I didn't send my info. My gut just turned and said NO. you don't know who is behind the phone and what candle they REALLY putting your name on. It can be someone you know or just someone envious on the forum. As much as I consider most of you family. You still will never know a person's true intentions. I'm sorry love please unhex yourself and protect yourself and reverse all weapons if you have it. Sending you strength and love. 💜🤗💜
WTF ?? Just for the act of grim folly?? You're such a sugar lump, always respectful and insightful. What purpose would that possibly serve a person?? What could they possibly GAIN?! ISTG some folks come-around is gonna be hideous when it hits!!!