You guys, my target my bf just broke up with me. Over a small ass argument. I have done halo, sweeting, da and obsession over the past few weeks. I even brought my da oil with me bc I’m visiting him and it seems like nothing worked at all. I’m so heartbroken, I feel like a hole on my chest...
it was our 4th anniversary in five days and my birthday in ten
I said that to you about halo remove and cleanse.. because I heard that it also removes ppl that may not need to be in your life so it cleanse the spiritual world and physical.. because it was a guy I sorta thought I liked.. but I start noticing red flags.. then was I burned halo my face begin to break out , and my menstrual came on after 4 months.. Then a week later I stop hearing from him, I mean nothing..and I left it just like that.. Cause who’s to say what he really thought about me..
I understan how you feel because it is after the initial cleansing candles that mine (few months after confusing but relatively peaceful sudden b/u Later) he was putting hearts on her pix that he took and posted.
that’s why do chaela’s stuff 2-3x if needed
I'm sorry that you are heart broken and I wish you comfort and recovery. I read today in the book that Spirit has a way of clearing the path and such so this feels like it could be just that.... clearing your path for even better. sending you love
What color was your sweetening candle?
You should use halo healing crossroads first from my understanding I read move to the next candle when you see movement maybe it wasn’t ment you may still have a blockage between you all
Wouldn't base your work on one disagreement. Just let your partner think a few days and stay on the high road. You can do 3pov or 4pov and domination.
Maybe it’s what’s your saying as well that’s prob not getting u the desired results if you need help figuring out a petition hmu
Agreed, light Healing and re-sweeten him if you can.
Did you see movement from halo before you proceeded to the next candle? Halo can cause arguments, in many cases it will uncover any issue that need to be worked through. Also obsession should be used with caution, you need to be sure they are feeling good about you and your connection or else it will backfire and have them obsessing about what they don’t like. My recommendation is to light up healing for you and your target.
The spirits my have said no.. they have something better for you be patient