Hi again!! A quick question that I really need an answer to... if you are using the bloodline candle as an offering,how do you know if your offering has been accepted? I ask bcuz I'm new to ancestor work and I really want them to be pleased and not be upset with me for waiting so long to Holla at them.
I don't live alone,and the people whom I live with don't share the same beliefs as me. Which is a reason why I held off on setting up an ancestor alter. How can I do this with discretion? The person in question is my mom.she is a super Christian (jehovah's witness) and also suffering from dementia which is why I'm back here to help. The need to reach out to them just keeps growing stronger and I want to set up an alter. But I don't want to disrespect anyone. My mom OR my ancestors. Please somebody HELP!!! any advice would be GREATLY APPRECIATED 🙏❤️
Thank you everyone who responded to my question. I did use the shoe box suggestion. I'm pretty pleased with it.i set it up and lit a white candle because I'm still waiting on my bloodline candle which should be here tomorrow. I knocked 3 times and called my grandmother by name. I just sat and talked for a bit. I even have some ancestor incense that I burned as an offering
along with the water.Even a little ancestor money to show my gratitude and appreciation. I told her how much I miss her and just talked about stuff going on with me. It felt really calm. Now,to figure out what type of sign to ask for. I can sometimes be "out to lunch" with certain things. Lol. I'm sure I can think of something. Thanks again to everyone that helped with my question🤗
You can also set up an ancestor altar in a shoe box. It doesn't have to be big
I agree with Vette. Definitely ask them for specific signs to know they accepted it. I did not ask for a sign and didn’t realize until my reader told me that they had sent me numerous signs that I had been oblivious to and wasn’t catching. 🤦🏾♀️😬 save yourself the headache and ask them for the sign.
As far as the altar, I grew up in foster care so I’m not aware of who my ancestors are so I don’t have pictures of anyone. My alter has the candle, another white candle, water, incense, offerings, something that represents earth (just something I do) and that’s it. I tend to it and call upon my ancestors who are here for my highest good. It’s pretty basic but they know that it’s theirs.
Ask for specific sign from them when your burning it. They know your situation don't feel bad for not being able to set up an altar.