I recently got the bloodline candle and lit it and let me tell y’all things went down hill quick! a tornado hit my horse barn in Mississipp, lightning struck my horse in the same storm, my husband almost cut his thumb off needing 9 stitches, and my middle child fell backward and almost concussed herself. The goose egg is just starting to finally go down. What on earth did I do wrong? I’ve used halo and un-hex last fall and other candles since with nonissue. This one though I feel like I just pissed them off.
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When my family did a spiritual ritual for past generations curse. My uncles dog died, and other lives were involve as time was passing. Spirit told us that sometimes sacrifices have to be made.
For some reason I am feeling like the horseshoe is the thing that attracted the lighting, I also believe in what @Love is saying as well, the sacrifice has been made. I am so sorry about your horse as well. ♥️
I’m so sorry about your horse. That would affect me hugely. But I promise it was a huge and incredible sacrifice. Whenever animals die it’s a bigger spiritual thing than it seems. I think your horse saved your family. There are some belief systems that even say when this happens, animals chose this. That’s huge love and sacrifice for you. I think you and your family will be ok. I would still do healing on the bloodline and protection but the sacrifice made for you already is a HUGE display of love and protection. ❤️♥️🙏🕯✨🌏🌍🌎🦋
Hi. There’s a Bloodline Healing ceremony coming up at soulpurge.com I haven’t tried it yet but I really want to. I don’t think you did anything wrong or bad. In some belief systems the barn being taken out by the storm and the horse struck by lightning- those things have a positive spin and are seen as blessings. Like they took the ‘hit’, they accepted the sacrifice, they protected you. Some paradigms would lock into the word “almost”. “Almost” concussed, “almost” lost his thumb. Those things would be viewed like a blessing. Protection (candles, rites, ceremonies) would be advised.
How far apart did you do Unhex and Halo? Did you Unhex, your ancestors and home? Did you Halo your ancestors and home? Did you Heal your ancestors and home? And did you Crossroad/Crossover anything that did not mean you, your ancestors, and your home any good? Then did you do bloodline? I did all that when I first started working with my ancestors and then things went downhill for me as well but not because of the candle, it was because my ancestors knew what was going on in places I didn’t, and there are ancestors that we have that are and where not always good people, (slave owners/slaves themselves) how many generations did you go back, and did you go back on both sides of you. I went back 7 generations both maternally and paternally. There was stuff going on that I had no clue about, and they showed me. At the time I was like what did I do, but now I understand what was being done. You can dm me if you need to. ♥️