😊 G’Morning all! ⛅️ Hope all is well on this amazing day! 😩😩help please ! So I know it means spirits are present when bubbles are in the water offering, but what about my normal water bottle ? 💦 Today of all days out of nowhere my water is full of bubbles and this isn’t normal. I drink a lot of water all the time. I’ve been emotionally terrible these past couple days idk what’s goin on. 🥴 Does anyone know ? 🤔 Or I’m jus tripn and digging to deep? 😅 Bc Ima delete this if I’m tripn 😂

My kids leave bottles of water left and rite and there r not bubbles in theirs i had 2 bottles of water overnight lookin at em now and they dnt have bubbles so I truly dnt think there's a tru reasoning it jus depends on temps
So wat is the reasoning behind not drinking water u already opened etc? Wea does that fall under exactly such as where did that sayin originally come from and wat beliefs are wit it
Bubbles form in water bottles when left out for a while. Don’t drink water left in cars or outside in general if the bottle and has been open. You are tripin lol