For a month now I have been doing work with Sire and Crossroads to help build my business and asking to open roads, remove blockages and make the business so successful that it will bring me wealth and riches. The business has started and I am now getting clients that can afford to pay. I am meeting new clients and all I ask is coming. Sire is helping me pull it together.
I have been trying to do at least one ritual per week for money, wealth riches. Yesterday I decided to burn both 1st Pentacle of the Sun and Crossroad. I have noticed that I am but it is not sticking and normally it is just what is already coming to me. So I conjured 1st POS first and used it as the money request. I talked to it and just told it exactly what I desired. I closed it and then went to Crossroards and basically chanted that i have no blockages obstacles or barriers on any realm.
I set it and forgot about it after I turned it off.
I looked into my account this morning and 3 clients had paid me very handsomely!!
I just started my business. I plan to make sure I am stocked up on all the candles that manifest my spiritual work and that breaks thru blockages.
Thank you @Lala Inuti Ahari @Audra Dukes (Chant Goddess) and @Ife. I follow all of your instructions and try to even feel what you feel. Keep working with us. Just you caring enough to explain makes a big difference.
My absolute pleasure love!!! ❤️
Ok thank you!! I just checked my stock and I still have a little of Mars left. I placed an order for.mpre yesterday.
What is a good chant to use to protect the last work?
I will add that to the work. Do I have to wait 3 days to do that?
Don’t forget to add Mars for protection over your work.