i lit my candle and the flame was way to lit I get I bit scare and try to smother the flame out the candle it will lit up by itself I try many times and wont go off, this size of candle usually burn in 3 days and this one is by the half and 1 hr or so, can someone tell me is this is ok? It’s burning way too fast.

No, this is not okay. Make sure you move your herbs and trim your wick.
I don’t wish this on anyone but y’all going to end up burning your house down letting these fires get like this especially if you get nervous. Have a metal lid nerby. I burn my candle on a metal plate inside a Pyrex bowl. If I leave over night and I’m not sure I put it in a stock pot. Y’all be having these candles next to drapes. Personally I don’t like my candles burning like that. Some do but I feel like it’s a fire hazard and waste of a candle you could have used 3 times.
MOVE THE HERBS AWAY WHEN THEY CATCH ON FIRE. WATCH THE CANDLE FOR THE FIRST 30 min. Adjust the herbs. You can use a butter knife.
Also, be sure to move some of the herbs away.
I would use a big metal lid or something like the one comes with cooking pans
smother it with the metal candle snuffer and stay off for like 3-4 seconds and lit again by itself
- Snuff It Immediately With The Top , NEVER Blow Any Of your Candles Out.